
What is the difference between the soul and the mind?

The soul is the consciousness or the knowing principle in man.
The mind belongs to the category of matter.
Shiva is the soul and Parvati (prakiti) is the mind.
The consciousness is the Reality, the unchanging, unmoving, all pervading soul.
Mind being matter is changeable and unreal.

We perceive objects through the organs of sense perception. The soul enables the organs to perceive the objects. The soul exists in all living beings as consciousness. It is the light of the soul that makes the sense-organs and the mind appear alive and luminous.

Shiva is the unchanging consciousness – Nirguna or without form or shape. This unchanging consciousness-Siva – becomes saguna or with form, when Maya Shakti, which is Siva’s illusive power appears as mind and matter. This phenomenon is known as Ardhanarishwar. (See Page ‘Maya-Shakti-Prakriti, topic 'Ardhanarishwar’)

Shiva’s Maya-Shakti is known by various names such as Uma, Parvati, Kali, Durga etc. This Maya-Shakti or power inheres in Siva just as the burning power inheres in fire, sweetness in sugar, whiteness in milk and meaning in the words.

Shiva stands for the Absolute, the unchanging, static background, of which Kali, the Shakti (power) is the dynamic expression. We call this Shakti or power Mother or Goddess. Goddess Kali combines in herself creative dynamism, destructive terror and redemptive grace.

God’s power that is enveloped by Tamo-guna-pradhana is Lord Siva.

The word Shiva signifies the auspicious. The good Lord Shiva roots out sin and terror, and is the bestower of earthly happiness, promoter of good and auspiciousness.

Snakes are symbolic of the mental powers (the coiled up serpent power of Kundalini Shakti) under the control of the divinity. The moon symbolises mind in a state of tranquility and purity. The Damaru (a small drum-like instrument in Lord Siva’s hand) represents the sabda Brahman. This is AUM and the sound of AUM (OM), from which all languages are formed.




